
OpenFace is an opensource face recognition AI model. The algorithm calculates128 measurements, after locating 68 face landmarks, of each face and use this number to identify a known face. The image was created by Brandon Amos who works on OpenFace. This docker image is built and tested on Firefly-RK3399. To run the image inside a container. Start the container with: docker run -it trained-openface bash Go to the working directory of openface cd /home/project/openface Run the classifier with the expected...

Pull command: docker pull

License : Apache License 2.0

This docker image contains HTTP inference runners for ResNet50 and SphereFace trained for face recognition. A container of this image can be started with docker run --rm -ti -p 8000:8000 bash  and then the HTTP Server can be started with: cd resnet50 ./http_worker_resnet50_cvgj_deploy -w lpdnn_model.h5 -s IPADDR -p 8000  IPADDR should be the internal docker ip address of the container (usually something like In the Github Repository Link a python application is...

Pull command: docker pull

License : GNU LGPLv3


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